We are on a mission to empower
YWCA Houston TechGYRLS® seeks to empower young girls in the areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and to encourage them to pursue careers within these fields, particularly for underrepresented girls.
YWCA TechGYRLS® program was developed in response to the widening gender gap in exposure to an interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). It is a national program created by YWCA of the USA in 1997.
Studies show that only 18% of people who earned undergraduate engineering degrees in 2010 were female, and that by the time girls reach middle school their participation in STEM subjects begin to drop and continues to decline through high school. Only 25% of people in the STEM fields are women, yet they earn 33% more than women in non-STEM careers.
TechGYRLS® creates a pipeline of success for its youth. It provides a safe, boys-free environment for girls to explore their interests and let go of misconceptions. Overall, the program builds strong leaders that can create social change within our community.
This program serves girls ages 10 – 17 in Greater Houston. Program Sites primarily serves middle and high schools where at least 70% of students are designated Title I; and, where young people generally have limited access to the resources and support that they need to grow.